Anyone remember the "Camp NaNo Chronicles"? I wish I didn't. What started as a promising beginning to a blog series fragmented into a nothing short of a drastic failure. But I am (or at least was) an optimist, and since Camp NaNoWriMo happens twice a year, I gathered the scraps of some new ideas and tried again in July of 2015. I failed even more dramatically than before, barely garnishing 700 words as opposed to my previous 17,447. At least the first time I'd actually come close to reaching my goal. Shaken but undaunted, so I waited until the next year's NaNo rolled around, and failed one more time.
Perhaps I should have given up then, but as history repeats itself (and I am definitely not important enough to be an exception), this July, I logged into the Camp NaNo site and created a project. I typed out the title and set a word count goal. I even wrote a little description and included an excerpt.
You, dear reader, can probably predict where I'm going with this. You likely deduce that I wouldn't be putting so much emphasis on my failures if I hadn't experienced yet another one. You're waiting for the punchline, complight salting of puns and subtle jabs at my future career.
However, as per the usual, I shan't be proceeding as per the usual. Instead...
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